Diet for the treatment of pancreatitis of the pancreas

Improper diet, stress and bad habits can cause inflammation of the pancreas. This is a serious disease that requires not only complex treatment, but also proper dietary correction. A strict pancreatitis diet is an integral part of the fight against the disease.

With pancreatitis of the pancreas, it is important to follow a strict diet

General principles of pancreatitis nutrition

Pancreatitis can manifest itself spontaneously and cause a person great discomfort (acute form) or be latent and sluggish (chronic stage). Leaks differ not only in clinical symptoms, but also in nutritional characteristics.

In case of acute pancreatitis, it is recommended to fast for several days. This is necessary to provide the body with a state of rest and to reduce the focus of inflammation in the tissues.

You can start eating on the 4th day after the acute symptoms of the disease subside (severe pain, nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea). In case of chronic pancreatitis, it is important to follow a diet. This will help prevent exacerbations and achieve long-term remission.

In addition, you should follow the general principles of nutrition:

  1. Heat treatment of food with steam. This will help preserve all the useful ingredients of the food.
  2. Fractional nutrition (up to 5 times a day in small doses) - reduces the load on a weakened digestive system.
  3. It is important to eat warm food.
  4. Before eating, the food should be ground to a liquid consistency.

It is important to avoid snacking throughout the day. The main course is enough. It is better to drink more warm tea or water. It will help remove toxins from the body and reduce stomach discomfort.

What can you eat with pancreatitis

With inflammation of the pancreas, doctors attribute the patient's diet according to the generally accepted classification of diets - Table 5. Patients eat only wholesome food and completely refuse food products that provoke the formation of acid in the gastric juice and stimulate an increase in work. enzyme levels in a weakened organ.

Table "Useful products for the treatment of pancreatitis of the pancreas"

Category Grocery list
Boiled vegetables (stewed, boiled) Beets, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes can, but in small doses
Fruits and berries (jelly decoctions, compote, fruit and berry purees) Apricots, melons and watermelon (2-3 pieces per day), apples, pears, dried grapes (raisins), bananas. Avocados are allowed to be used for 2 months after an exacerbation
Meat (meatballs, steamed meatballs, meatballs) Rabbit, turkey, beef (beef tongue, beef liver), veal, chicken
Fish (boiled or as steam meatballs, fillets) and seafood Cod liver, pike, bream, pollack, zander. 17-21 days after the exacerbation stops, you can eat shrimp
cereals Buckwheat porridge, oatmeal (musli), rice, semolina. Sometimes you can eat barley or corn porridge
Broths and soups Only vegetables (no cooked onions and garlic) or dairy products with cereals. If there are no exacerbations, the soup can be cooked on the second meat broth.
Pasta (boiled) Vermicelli, noodles
Bread products Stale wheat bread (baked 1-2 days before use)
Milk and low-fat milk products Cottage cheese steamed casseroles, cheese (non-spicy), cottage cheese (non-sour) kefir, sour milk, fermented baked milk, butter, cream (no more than 1 tablespoon per day)
chicken eggs Steam omelette, boiled soft-boiled eggs can be eaten from time to time
Fat Butter, vegetables (sunflowers, olives)
Drinks Decoction of wheat bran, rose hips, weak tea drink
Sweets (in small doses) Honey, jam, jelly (homemade), breadless cookies, marshmallows, mousse, marshmallow
Nuts (grind well before eating or chew thoroughly) Pistachios, walnuts, peanuts
Legumes (ground) Beans (decoction for aggravation), soy meat, green peas

Allowed foods are high in water- and fat-soluble vitamins, rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. And most importantly, they practically do not irritate the mucous membrane of the pancreas.

What not to eat with pancreatitis

Many products are able to cause increased acid and enzyme secretion, which is very irritating to the pancreatic mucosa.

Therefore, it is better to remove all harmful foods from the diet:

  • spicy, sour, fried foods, canned and pickled cucumbers, fatty meat broths (especially aspic);
  • spices, condiments, sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • meat and its by-products - pork (pig's tongue), lamb, including fat, sausages, smoked meats, sausages, balik, lard;
  • fatty fish (salmon, catfish, carp, mackerel, herring) and seafood (mussels, squid, crabs, lobsters);
  • rich pastries, wholemeal bread, chocolate products, cakes, sweets (ice cream, caramel), halva, ice cream, glazed cottage cheese;
  • oranges, figs, sunflower seeds, radishes, radishes, all kinds of mushrooms.
Spices and seasonings should be removed from the diet during the pancreatitis diet

It is contraindicated to drink coffee, strong black and green tea, milk, drinks with gas. The following prohibited foods should be excluded from daily use forever: fast snacks (burgers, french fries, shawarma, hot dogs, sushi, buns), chips, salted nuts, spicy spices, alcohol, nicotine.

Sample weekly menu

In the treatment of pancreatitis, strict adherence to the principles of proper nutrition helps a lot. The diet should not be interrupted or junk food should be added to the diet, as this may lead to an acute attack of the disease.

Table "Menu for each day"

days Menu
Day 1 Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, pieces of veal, tea or compote
2nd breakfast: eggs (omelet or boiled), wheat broth (from bran), fried fruit (apple, pear, banana - optional)
Lunch: vegetable soup, noodles, chicken souffle, jelly, tea
Snacks: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk (optional), tea
Dinner: boiled pike, bread, tea
Day 2 Breakfast: boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes), a piece of fish, some crackers, tea
2nd breakfast: eggs, turkey meatballs, bread, compote
Lunch: soup with chicken fillet, fish cutlet, bread, sour milk
Afternoon snacks: homemade berry jelly, jelly fruit decoction, still water
Dinner: carrot puree, meatballs, muesli, tea drink
Day 3 Breakfast: fried vegetables with slices of rice, beef liver, tea, steamed raisins
2nd breakfast: vermicelli, beef souffle, apricot puree, mineral water
Lunch: broth (on vegetables), cod liver, bread, cookies, tea with honey
Afternoon snacks: berry jelly dishes, 2-3 slices of watermelon or melons, compote
Dinner: muesli, fried cottage cheese, jam, tea
Day 4 Breakfast: liquid semolina, vegetable casserole, bread, fermented baked milk
2nd breakfast: beef tongue, mashed vegetables (broccoli, carrots), some marshmallows, tea
Lunch: rabbit broth, steam meatballs, shrimp, biscuits, jelly
Snacks: mousse or jelly, baked apple (pear, banana)
Dinner: oatmeal, chicken breast, mineral water
Day 5 Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs, beef liver, apricot puree, tea with honey
2nd breakfast: vegetable casserole, pasta, tomato juice, mineral water
Lunch: rabbit soup, rabbit or turkey meatballs, fried zucchini, compote
Snacks: jelly, cookies, mashed bananas
Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled pollack, kefir
Day 6 Breakfast: rice, chicken meatballs, cod liver, tomato juice
2nd breakfast: muesli, beef tongue, baked pumpkin, rosehip broth
Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish, apple sauce, mineral water
Snacks: cookies, jam, fermented baked milk, walnuts
Dinner: chicken soufflé, oatmeal, bread, compote
Day 7 Breakfast: vegetable stew, beef meatballs, bread, tea, honey
2nd breakfast: rice, cod liver, tomato juice, peanuts
Lunch: vegetable soup, fish pancakes, cookies, bran decoction
Snacks: cottage cheese, honey, tea
Dinner: sour milk, crackers, muesli, beef tongue


The size of the portions depends on the patient's well-being. A person can increase or decrease its volume, as well as change some ingredients. The main thing is to use only useful and approved means for the treatment of pancreatitis.

Recipes for inflammation of the pancreas

So that the daily menu does not seem so boring, you can diversify it with the following recipes.

Vegetable ragout

Chop potatoes and pumpkin (each 0. 5 kg), grate 1 carrot. Place the vegetables in a pot (greased with olive oil) in layers, starting with the potatoes. Pour half of the volume with water, salt and boil for 25-30 minutes. At the end, sprinkle with parsley and dill.

Vegetable stew - a simple and healthy dish in the menu of pancreatitis patients

fried zander

For cooking, you need to take ½ kg of fish fillets, cut them into medium slices and put them on a baking sheet covered with foil. Sprinkle everything with carrots (1 pc. ) on top. Put 10 g of butter, salt and wrap in foil. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.

A delicious option for lunch in case of pancreatitis is zander fried in foil

Fish cakes (quenelles)

Grind 400 g of fish flesh, add a quarter of a loaf softened in milk and 2 egg whites. Salt and mix. Make ball-shaped meatballs and put them in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

Fish cakes are prepared very simply and are suitable for a diet with pancreatitis.

Steamed meat pudding


  • rabbit meat (130 g);
  • butter (25 g);
  • an egg;
  • semolina (3 tsp. );
  • half a glass of water.

The meat is thoroughly ground to a uniform consistency, semolina, whipped protein, then the raw egg yolk and everything is mixed, gently kneaded in a dough mold and steamed.

With a diagnosis of pancreatitis of the pancreas, you can steam meat pudding

Cottage cheese souffle

Chop apples (250 g) on a fine grater, add cottage cheese (300 g). Separately, beat melted butter (50 g) with sugar (3 tablespoons) and yolks (4 pcs. ), Add whites whipped into foam (4 pcs. ). Pour the prepared mass into apples and cottage cheese, mix. The finished creamy dough is poured into a greased form and baked at 180 degrees for 25-40 minutes.

Souffle from cottage cheese and apples - a dessert for pancreatitis

All prescriptions are allowed in the chronic stage of pancreatitis. They are not only healthy, but also very tasty, which allows you to escape from thoughts about unhealthy food and enjoy a healthy diet.

A strict pancreatitis diet is the main component in the treatment of a dangerous pathology. Allowed foods are rich in vitamins and minerals, which make the diet complete and healthy. It is important to give up junk food, addictions and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. This will help prevent exacerbations of the disease and achieve long-term remissions.